All researchers at C4SS aim to contribute to excellent scientific publications in internationally recognized scientific journals and prestigious publishing houses. Their research and publications focus on the effort to understand security manifestations in various regional contexts. Therefore, C4SS research examines topics such as international security orders, security privatization, terrorism, human rights, climate security, the relationship between technology and security, and others.
- Bureš, Oldřich. The New EU Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism: A Paradigm shift in EU Efforts to Combat Terrorist Financing? Studies in Conflict & Terrorism e-first (2025)
- Bureš, Oldřich and Alexander Burilkov. Armed to Kill: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Examining the Links between Firearms Availability, Gun Control, and Terrorism Using the Global Terrorism Database and the Small Arms Survey. Terrorism and Political Violence, 37 (1), 41-55.
- Kolmaš, Michal. Reversing climate leadership: an ethnographic account of the European Union’s U-turn on loss and damage at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, International Relations, e-first
- Stojanov, R., Seidlová, A., Bureš, O., Klvaňová, R., Štěpánková, L. & Procházka, D. Synergy or disparity? Czech experts’ insights on migration and development policies. International Migration 62 (6), 124–139
- Kolmaš, Michal, Guangyu Qiao-Franco and Aleš Karmazin. Understanding region formation through proximity, interests, and identity: debunking the Indo-Pacific as a viable regional demarcation, The Pacific Review, 37 (6), 1067-1089
- Qiao-Franco, Guangyu, Aleš Karmazin and Michal Kolmaš. The Indo-Pacific and the Next Phase of ASEAN Centrality, Journal of Current South East Asian Affairs, e-first
- Kolmaš, Michal. From Geopolitics To Post-Structuralism: Ontological Typology Of Region Formation In International Relations, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 22 (6), No. 1.
- Kolmašová, Šárka. On the Politics of R2P Circulation, Global Responsibility to Protect, 16 (3).
- Kolmašová, Šárka. The Czech Republic: Human Rights Defender, Yet No R2P Champion, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, online first.
- Hynek, Nik and Levon Ter-Ghazaryan. The enigma of Nagorno-Karabakh: a ‘hierarchised amoebic composite’ with Armenia, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1–28.
- Hynek, Nik and Levon Ter-Ghazaryan. The Palestinian-Israeli diagram: From normative and symbolic spatialities to geographies of compensations. Environment and Planning F, 0(0)
- Hanson, E., and Reboredo R. From Disparity to Sustainability: Social Identity, Perceived Fairness, and Climate Cooperation. Czech Journal of International Relations. Online first.
- Gambino, E and Reboredo, R. Infrastructure, Time, and Labour: Movement and Suspension along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor. Territory Politics and Governance. Online first.
- Reboredo, R. and Carmody, P. Between Energy and Politics: Ruin, Renewal, and the Contours of State Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Online first.
- Dufalla, Jacqueline and Asya Metodieva. From Affect to Strategy: Serbia’s Diplomatic Balance during the Russia-Ukraine War. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, online first.
- Bureš, Oldřich and Alexander Burilkov. Armed to Kill: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Examining the Links between Firearms Availability, Gun Control, and Terrorism Using the Global Terrorism Database and the Small Arms Survey. Terrorism and Political Violence, e-first
- Karmazin, Aleš. China’s Promotion of Cyber Sovereignty Beyond the West. In: Kolmasova, Sarka and Ricardo Reboredo (eds). Norm Diffusion beyond the West: Agents and Sources of Leverage, New York: Springer
- Karmazin, Aleš. China’s search for the future to answer the past: Liu Cixin, (science-)fiction and Chinese developmentalism, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, e-first.
- Karmazin, Aleš. Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India. Cham: Palgrave.
- Karmazin, Aleš. Normative Overlaps between China and the Liberal International Society: China’s Developmentalist Human Rights, Chinese Journal of International Politics 16:4, 406-430.
- Karmazin, Aleš. The Hong Kong National Security Law and the Changing Character of Rule in the China–Hong Kong Relationship, China Report, 2023, 59:1, 25-39
- Bureš, Oldřich. A Performance Assessment of the 2022 Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU: External Security. Czech Journal of International Relations 58:1 (2023): 113–129
- Kolmaš, Michal. The Failure of CBDR in Global Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Politics, 23:1, 11-19
- Kolmaš, Michal. Diverging perceptions of the “Visegrad Four + ” format and the limits of the V4 + Japan cooperation, Asia Europe Journal, 21:1, 101-116
- Prys-Hansen, Miriam; Alexandr Burilkov and Michal Kolmaš. Regional powers and the politics of scale, International Politics, on-line first
- Kolmaš, Michal a Šárka Kolmašová. How individuals shape informal institutions: Analyzing contending norm promotion in the Global South, Journal of International Relations and Development 26:3 (2023), 551–578
- Kolmašová, Šárka. How do Latin American States Engage with Responsibility to Protect Norms? A Typology of Positions. Czech Journal of International Relations, 58:3 (2023), 43–72.
- Kolmasova, Sarka. Advocacy Networks and the Responsibility to Protect: The Politics of Norm Circulation, London: Routledge.
- Kolmasova, Sarka and Ricardo Reboredo (eds). Norm Diffusion beyond the West: Agents and Sources of Leverage, New York: Springer
- Bureš, Oldřich; Stojanov, Robert. Securitization of Immigration in the Czech Republic and Its Impact on the Czech Migration Policy: Experts’ Perceptions, Problems of Post-Communism, e-first (2022)
- Bureš, Oldřich; Stojanov, Robert; Klvanova, Radka; Seidlová, Aneta. Contemporary Czech migration policy: ‘Labour, not people.’ Population, Space And Place 28, no. 4 (2022): 1-14.
- Bureš, Oldřich. The Counterterrorism Coordinator and the Commissioner for the Security Union: Does the European Union Need Two Top-level Counterterrorism Officials? Terrorism and Political Violence 34, no. 4 (2022): 661-681.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Cusumano, Eugenio. Varieties of organised hypocrisy: security privatisation in UN, EU, and NATO crisis management operations. European Security 31, no. 2 (2022): 159-179.
- Karmazin, Aleš. Hledání mezinárodního řádu: přístup Anglické školy k analýze mezinárodní politiky [In Search of International Order: The English School Approach to the Analysis of International Politics]. Mezinárodní vztahy / Czech Journal of International Relations, 57:3, 7-43.
- Karmazin, Aleš. Editing a Journal at the Semiperiphery: Ambivalence of Juniority and Meaningfulness of Publishing. Learned Publishing, 35:3, 400-404.
- Kolmaš, Michal. Why is Japan Shamed for Whaling More Than Norway? International Society and its Barbaric Others, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 22:2, 267–296
- Kolmasova, Sarka. Global Assemblage of the Responsibility to Protect, Globalizations, online first
- Reboredo, R.; Gambino, E. Connectivity and Competition: The Emerging Geographies of Africa’s ‘Ports Race’. Area, Development, and Policy.
- Reboredo, R.; Carmody, P.; Zajontz, T. From ‘debt diplomacy’to donorship? China’s changing role in global development. Global Political Economy.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Cusumano, Eugenio. The Anti-Mercenary Norm and United Nations’ Use of Private Military and Security Companies: From Norm Entrepreneurship to Organized Hypocrisy. International Peacekeeping 28, no. 4 (2021): 579-605.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Bätz, Sebastian. European Union and The Fight against Terrorism: A differentiated integration theory perspective. Asia Europe Journal 19, no 1 (2021): 75-104.
- Kolmaš, Michal. International Pressure and Japanese Withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission: When Shaming Fails, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 75:2, 197-216
- Kolmaš, Michal; Sato, Yoichiro, eds. Identity, Culture and Memory in Japanese Foreign Policy. New York: Peter Lang
- Kolmaš, Michal. Is Japan preparing for a post-US Asia? A view from the Czech Republic in: Indo-Pacific in the post-Trump era. Prague: IIR, 58-68
- Reboredo, R. Rebuilding Hegemony: Passive Revolution, State Transformation, and South Africa’s Steel Sector. Review of African Political Economy.
- Reboredo, R.; Carmody, P.; Kragelund, P. ‘Africa’s Shadow Rise and the Mirage of African Economic Development’ in The Delusions of Decolonization in Africa, Sixty Years Later (eds Alexey Vasiliyev, Denis Degterev, Timothy M. Shaw), Springer.
- Reboredo, R. Disaggregating Development: A Critical Analysis of Sino-African Megaprojects. Progress in Development Studies.
- Bureš, Oldřich. EU’s Response to Foreign Fighters: New Threat, Old Challenges? Terrorism and Political Violence 32, no. 4. (2020): 789-806.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Stojanov, Robert; Klvanova, Radka. Strengths and Weaknesses of Canadian Express Entry System: Experts’ Perceptions. Population and Development Review 46, no. 4 (2020): 787–812.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Hawkins, Andrew J. Israeli targeted killing operations before and during the Second Intifada: a contextualized comparison, Small Wars & Insurgencies 31, no. 3 (2020): 569-593.
- Hynek, Nik; Karmazin, Aleš (2020): Contemporary Revisionism in the Multi-Layered Political Order: Operationalisation, Techno-Social Conditions, and Dilemmas. Europe Asia Studies, 72:6, 940-954.
- Karmazin, Aleš (2020): Slogans as an Organizational Feature of Chinese Politics. Journal of Chinese Political Science. 25:3, 411-429.
- Karmazin, Aleš; Hynek, Nik (2020): Russian, U.S. and Chinese Revisionism: Bridging Domestic and Great Power Politics. Europe Asia Studies, 72:6, 955-975.
- Knotková-Čapková, Blanka; Karmazin, A. et al. (2020): Asijské hierarchie v postkoloniálním kontextu: politické, sociální a kulturní dimenze [Asian Hierarchies in the Post-Colonial Context: Political, Social, and Cultural Dimensions]. Prague: Togga & Metropolitan University Prague Press.
- Kolmaš, Michal. Identity Change and Societal Pressures in Japan: The Constraints on Abe Shinzo’s Educational and Constitutional Reforms, The Pacific Review, 33:2, 185-215
- Kolmaš, Michal; Kožíšek, David. A Sociological Survey of Japanese International Relations Journals and University Education: Still a Discipline ‘In Between’?, Social Science Japan Journal, 23:2, 299–31
- Kolmasova, S. and K. Krulisova. Vulnerable Women and Barbaric Rapists: Legitimisation of UN Interventionism in Mali, African Security Review, 29:2, 175-201.
- Reboredo, R.; Carmody, P.; Kragelund, P. Africa’s Shadow Rise: China and the Mirage of African Economic Development. London: Zed Books Ltd.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Meyer, Jeremy. The Anti-Mercenary Norm and the United Nations’ Use of Private Military and Security Companies. Global Governance 25, no. 1 (2019), 77-99.
- Ganguly, Sumit; Smetana, Michal; Abdullah, Sannia; Karmazin, Aleš (2019): India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir Dispute: Unpacking the Dynamics of a South Asian Frozen Conflict. Asia Europe Journal, 17:1, 129-143.
- Karmazin, A. (2019): The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and China’s Strategic Course. The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 31:2, 293-308.
- Kolmaš, Michal. National Identity and Japanese Revisionism: Abe Shinzo’s Vision of a Beautiful Japan and its Limits, London: Routledge
- Kolmaš, Michal; Kolmašová, Šárka. A Pivot That Never Existed: Americas Asian Strategy Under Obama and Trump, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32:1, 61-79
- Kolmaš, Michal. Japan’s Security and the South Sudan Engagement: Internal and External Constraints on Japanese Military Rise Reconsidered, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 13:1, 61-85
- Kolmasova, Sarka. Competing Norms and Strategic Visions: A Critical Appraisal of V4 Security Potential, Europe-Asia Studies, 71:2, 225-248.
- Reboredo, R.; Brill, F. Between Global and Local: Urban Inter-Referencing and the Transformation of a Sino-South African Megaproject. China Perspectives. (4):9-16.
- Reboredo, R.; Owusu, F., Carmody, P. Trumping Development: Selective Delinking and Governmentality in US-Africa Relations. Africa Today. 66(1): 2-27.
- Reboredo, R. A Panacea for Development? Megaprojects and the Construction of State Legitimacy in Post-Apartheid South Africa. African Geographical Review. 38(3): 240-252.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Carrapico, Helena. Security Privatization: How Non-security-related Private Businesses Shape Security Governance. Basel: Springer 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-63009-0.
- Bureš, Oldřich. “EU’s Response to Foreign Fighters: New Problem, Old Challenges?” Terrorism and Political Violence, 2018, e-first publication.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Pernica, Bohuslav. Pluralization of Security Education in the Czech Republic. Problems of Post-Communism 65, no. 3 (2018): 175-187.
- Kolmaš, Michal. Reconstructing Hierarchy as the Key International Relations Concept and its Implications for the Study of Japanese National Identity, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 19:3, 507-518
- Kolmasova, Sarka. Legitimizing Military Action through “Rape-as-a-Weapon” Discourse in Libya: Critical Feminist Analysis”, co-authored by Katerina Krulisova, Politics & Gender, 15:1, 130-150.
- Kučera, Tomáš. The Military and Liberal Society: Societal–Military Relations in Western Europe. London, New York: Routledge, 2018.
- Reboredo, R.; Brill, F. Failed Fantasies in a South African Context: The Case of Modderfontein, Johannesburg. Urban Forum. 30(2): 171-189.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Carrapico, Helena. Private security beyond private military and security companies: Exploring diversity within private-public collaborations and its consequences for security governance. Crime, Law, Social Change 67, no. 3 (2017).
- Bureš, Oldřich; Stojanov, Robert; Duží, Barbora. Migration and development policies: The state of affairs before the 2015 European migration crises in the Czech Republic and its current implications. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 50, no. 3 (2017): 169-181.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Contributions of private businesses to the provision of security in the EU: Beyond public-private partnerships. Crime, Law, Social Change 67, no. 3 (2017): 289–312.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Carrapico, Helena. Private security beyond private military and security companies: Exploring diversity within private-public collaborations and its consequences for security governance. Crime, Law, Social Change 67, no. 3 (2017): 229–243.
- Gromilova, Anna. “Promoting Cyber Security: Estonia and Latvia as Norm Setters.” Analele UniversităŃii din Craiova. Istorie, 2017, 22, no. 1, 127-138.
- Hynek, Nik. “Regime Theory as IR Theory: Reflection on the Three Waves of ‘Isms.’“ Accepted for publication in Central European Journal on International and Security Studies, 2017.
- Hynek, Nik. “Re-visioning morality and progress in the security domain: insights from humanitarian prohibition politics.” International Politics, 2017, e-first publication.
- Karmazín, Aleš. “Vytváření čínského snu: Proměna čínské modernity a zahraniční politiky.” Mezinárodní vztahy, 2017, 52, no. 4, v tisku.
- Kučera, Tomáš. “What European army? Alliance, security community or postnational federation.” International Politics. 2017, e-first publication.
- Ludvík, Jan. Nuclear Asymmetry and Deterrence: Theory, Policy and History. London, New York: Routledge, 2017.
- Radchenko, Sergey; Schaefer, Bernd. “‘Red on White’: Kim Il Sung, Park Chung Hee, and the Failure of Korea’s Reunification, 1971–1973”, Cold War History, 2017, 17, no. 3, 259-277.”
- Alice D. Ba. “In Pursuit of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Politics and Geopolitics of a Chinese Bank,” in Institutional Evolution in the Asia Pacific: Security-Economic Nexus. Steven B. Rothman, Utpal Vyas, Yoichiro Sato, eds. (London, Routledge), 29-45.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Argomaniz, Javier; Kaunert, Christian. A Decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A Critical Assessment. London: Routledge 2016. ISBN: 9781138940185.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Stojanov, Robert; Duží, Barbora. Koherence české migrační a rozvojové politiky na začátku ekonomické recese (2008–2010). [Coherence of Czech Migration and Development Policies at the Beginning of the Economic Recession] Geografie 121, no 2 (2016): 419-436.
- Kolmaš, Michal. “China’s Approach to Regional Cooperation.” China Report, 2016, 52, no. 3, 192-210.
- Kolmaš, Michal. “Japan and the Kyoto Protocol: reconstructing ‘proactive’ identity through environmental multilateralism.” The Pacific Review, e-first publication.
- Karásek, Tomáš. “Sledování posunů ve strategické kultuře: Analýza protipovstaleckého boje jako vzestupu strategické subkultury.” Obrana a strategie, 2016, 16, no. 1, 109-128.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Private Security Companies: Transforming Politics and Security in the Czech Republic, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015
- Bureš, Oldřich. “Ten Years of EU’s Fight against Terrorist Financing: A Critical Assessment.” Intelligence and National Security, 2015, 30, no. 2, 207–233
- Bureš, Oldřich. “Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Including High Politics?” Journal of Business Ethics, 2015, 129, no. 3, 689–703
- Bureš, Oldřich; Argomaniz, Javier; Kaunert, Christian. A Decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A Critical Assessment. Special issue of Intelligence and National Security 30, no. 2-3 (2015).
- Giumelli, Francesco. “Understanding United Nations Targeted Sanctions: An Empirical Analysis.” International Affairs, 2015, 91, no. 6, 1351–1368
- Juříček, Petr. “Analýza využití PPP projektů v penitenciární praxi.” Veřejné zakázky a PPP projekty, 2015, 7, no. 4, 56-68
- Krulík, Oldřich. Obecní policie a privatizace bezpečnosti v evropských zemích, Aleš Čeněk, Plzeň, 2015
- Ludvík, Zdeněk. “Teritoriálně ukotvený islamistický nestátní aktér využívající násilí a otázka regulace systémové anarchie.” Vojenské rozhledy, 2015, 56, no. 3, 62-80
- Makariusová, Radana. Globální vládnutí a nestátní aktéři, Aleš Čeněk, Plzeň, 2015
- Smetana, Jan. “Uprchlická krize a možnosti řešení: pohled z „druhé strany“.” In konference Aspekty práce pomáhajících profesí (AWHP) 2015, téma Imigrace – bezpečnostní a zdravotní rizika“, 2.10.2015
- Giumelli, Francesco; Cusumano, Eugenio. “Normative Power under Contract? Commercial Support to European Crisis Management Operations.” International Peacekeeping, 2014, 21, no. 1, 1–19
- Krulík, Oldřich; Krulíková, Zuzana. “Framework of Business in Private Security: Bulgaria.” Central European Journal on International and Security Studies, 2014, 8, no. 3, 48-69.
- Ludvík, Zdeněk. “Stát a jeho vytěsnění alternativní autoritou.” Obrana a strategie, 2014, 14, no. 2, 17-34.
- Krulík, Oldřich. “Zahraniční příklady „dodavatelských řešení“ při zajišťování místních záležitostí veřejného pořádku: Rakousko.” Security magazín. 2014, 20, no. 5, s. 20-22
- Juříček, Petr. “Efektivita privatizace vězeňského systému z pohledu výkonu služby.” Security magazín. 2014, 20, no. 6, s. 53-54
- Makariusová, Radana. “Působnost privátních bezpečnostních firem na Ukrajině – „záhada“ Rusko-ukrajinského konfliktu.” Security magazín. 2014, 20, no. 6, s. 51-52
- Smetana, Jan. Analýza francouzské operace v Mali. Mezinárodní politika 3, 2014.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic: Rearticulating the Security Field and Transforming Politics. Security Dialogue 45, no. 1 (2014), s. 81-98.
- Smetana, Jan. Ozbrojené síly baltských států a jejich vývoj od pádu Sovětského svazu. Doktríny 2/2013.
- Smetana, Jan. Afghánská národní armáda: Skutečná síla nebo jen alibi? Mezinárodní politika 10, 2013.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Public-Private Partnerships in the Fight against Terrorism? Crime, Law, Social Change 60, no. 4 (2013): 429-455.
- Giumelli, Francesco. Beyond Intergovernmentalism: The Europeanization of Restrictive Measures? Journal of Contemporary European Research 9, no. 3 (2013): 390-405.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Vliv soukromých bezpečnostních společností na vnímání bezpečnosti v České republice. [Impact of Private Security Companies on the Perceptions of Security in the Czech Republic]. Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe, no. 2 (2013): 47-58.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Inherentní funkce státu a oblasti další možné privatizace bezpečnosti v České republice [Inherent Governmental Functions and Areas of Further Security Privatization in the Czech Republic]. Obrana a strategie 13, no. 1 (2013): 5-18.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Analýza privatizace bezpečnosti v České republice s využitím modelu globálních bezpečnostních montáží [Global Security Assamblage Analysis of the Privatization of Security in the Czech Republic]. Czech Journal of Political Science 20, no. 1 (2013), 4-31.
- Nedvědická, Vendula. Potenciál využití soukromých vojenských a bezpečnostních společností nevládními organizacemi. Středoevropské politické studie XV, č. 2-3 (2013): on-line.
- Sborník ze studentské konference Bezpečnost v době neklidu
- Bureš, Oldřich a kolektiv. Privatizace bezpečnosti: České a zahraniční zkušenosti. Praha: GRADA, 2013.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Public-Private Partnerships in the Fight against Terrorism? Crime, Law, Social Change (2013): forthcoming.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Vliv soukromých bezpečnostních společností na vnímání bezpečnosti v České republice. [Impact of Private Security Companies on the Perceptions of Security in the Czech Republic]. Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe, no. 2 (2013): 47-58.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Inherentní funkce státu a oblasti další možné privatizace bezpečnosti v České republice [Inherent Governmental Functions and Areas of Further Security Privatization in the Czech Republic]. Obrana a strategie 13, no. 1 (2013): 5-18.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Analýza privatizace bezpečnosti v České republice s využitím modelu globálních bezpečnostních montáží [Global Security Assamblage Analysis of the Privatization of Security in the Czech Republic]. Czech Journal of Political Science 20, no. 1 (2013), 4-31.
- Fischer, Robert. Europäisierung von Migration und Sicherheit – Die Schengen Acqis im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsangleichung und Fragmentierung, In: Jahrbuch Öffentliche Sicherheit 2012/2013, Frankfurt a.M., S. 439 ff.
- Makariusová, Radana; Ludvík, Zdeněk. The Role of Non-State Actors in the 2011 Libyan Conflict. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 6, no. 3-4 (2012): 244-268.
- Smetana, Jan. Americké ozbrojené síly a jejich strukturální proměny od konce bipolárního systému. Doktríny 2/2012. on-line.
- Šmíd, Tomáš. Hrot kopí a české soukromé vojenské a bezpečnostní společnosti. Středoevropské politické studie, č.4 (2012)
- Bureš, Oldřich. Informal Counterterrorism Arrangements in Europe: Beauty by Variety of Duplicity by Abundance? Cooperation and Conflict 47, no. 4 (2012): 495-518.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Private Actors in the Fight against Terrorist Financing: Efficiency versus Effectiveness. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 35, no. 10 (2012): 712-732.
- Smetana, Jan. L´union du Maghreb Arabe: Skutečná cesta k pokroku nebo jen papírová instituce? Politické vedy 3/2012: 202-215.
- Krulík, Oldřich. Soukromé bezpečnostní služby v Pobaltí: Modely fungování ve třech malých státech Evropy (část II), Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe, č. 4 (2012): 69-82.
- Krulík, Oldřich. Soukromé bezpečnostní služby v Pobaltí: Modely fungování ve třech malých státech Evropy (část I), Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe, č. 3 (2012): 125-136.
- Bílková, Veronika. Právní úprava postavení soukromých vojenských a bezpečnostních služeb společností. Právní rozhledy , č. 13-14 (2012): 483-489.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic: An Exploratory Analysis. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 6, no. 2 (2012), 49-68.
- Bureš, Oldřich. Private Actors in the Fight against Terrorist Financing: Efficiency versus Effectiveness. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 35, no. 10 (2012): 712-732.
- Sborník vybraných příspěvků ze studentské konference pořádané C4SS a CBSS: Bezpečnost v době rozpočtových škrtů.
- Nováčková, Raimonda. Analýza protiteroristické politiky Velké Británie s využitím konceptu europeizace. Středoevropské politické studie 1 (2012).
- Bureš, Oldřich. Informal Counterterrorism Arrangements in Europe: Beauty by Variety or Duplicity by Abundance? Cooperation and Conflict 47, no. 4 (2012): 495-518.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Nedvědická, Vendula. Soukromé vojenské společnosti: Staronoví aktéři mezinárodního politického systému. Aleš Čeněk, 2011.
- Makariusová, Radana. „The Dark and Bright Aires of Non-State Actors: An Evaluation.“ Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 5, no. 2 (2011),220–234.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Nedvědická, Vendula. „Komparace využití soukromých vojenských společností administrativami Georgie W. Bushe a Baracka Obamy.“ Obrana and Strategie 2, no. 2 (2011): 111-134.
- Giumelli, Francesco. Coercing, Constraining and Signalling: Explaining UN and EU Sanctions after the Cold War (ECPR Press, 2011, ISBN 9781907301209)
- Pernica, Bohuslav. „Zapojování civilního sektoru do činnosti ozbrojených sil: Vojensko-správní a vojensko-průmyslový komplex.“ Vojenské rozhledy 20, no. 2 (2011): 10-113.
- Bureš, Oldřich; Nedvědická, Vendula. „Historie soukromých vojenských společností.“ Vojenské rozhledy 20, no. 3 (2011): 76-93.
- Sborník vybraných příspěvků z třetí studentské konference pořádané C4SS a CBSS: Bezpečnostní výzvy na prahu nové dekády.
- Bureš, Oldřich: EU Counterterrorism Policy: A Paper Tiger? (Ashgate 2011, ISBN 978-1-4094-1123-9).
Kniha je finálním výstupem z dlouhodobého grantu Grantové agentury České republiky č. 407/08/P016 a na její přípravě se podílelo i několik výzkumných asistentů C4SS z řad studentů MUP.
- Smetana, Jan. Afghánistán: Skutečná realita. Vojenské rozhledy 19, no. 4 (2010): 100-107
- Sborník vybraných příspěvků z druhé studentské konference pořádané C4SS a CBSS: Globální bezpečnost v Obamové éře.
- Europe at Sixty experts’ conference 2009:
Selected papers were published in the special issue of the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, volume 4, issue 1. - Bezpečnostní dialog 10/20:
PowerPoint prezentace z jednotlivých přednášek - Europe at Sixty experts’ conference:
Keynote opening speech by Mojmir Hampl, Vice-Governor of Czech National Bank - Pomocné studentské vědecké síly: První odborná publikace s přispěním studentů: Oldřich Bureš “Jak regulovat soukromé vojenské společnosti? [How to Regulate Private Military Companies?]” Mezinárodní vztahy 44, no. 4 (2009), 85-107.
- First Student Conference Proceedings: Current Security Threats in Europe